I’m going to be completely honest with you. I had planned to write this blog about laziness and rest very scientifically and it was going to sound like a gosh darn essay. Now however, the deadline has come, and I am left with a very interesting and ironic situation....
about (c h a n g e) things keep moving around mei feel overwhelmed but waiti am not separate from this changei am creating iti am a part of it the change is gaining so much momentumand on we gocatching glimpses as things rotate what a blur as i wonder how to cope i...
Say yes to taking care of yourself this fall! With the temperatures finally getting a bit cooler in Austin, I want to encourage you to spend some time taking care of you. We often tend to spend a lot of time taking care of those around us but hardly spend time doing...
Y’all, if you haven’t noticed it is hot outside and, unfortunately, not the just-wear shorts-and- a-tank-top kind of hot! Temperatures these past couple of weeks have hit over 102 degrees and that’s not including the heat index and humidity, making the outdoors feel...