

Category: Emotional Regulation

I Had a Difficult Childhood, Especially Lately.

I Had a Difficult Childhood, Especially Lately.

It’s been nine years since Lindsay C. Gibson wrote Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting or Self-Involved Parents. Her book and this concept continue to resonate with people with varying childhood experiences, which is why...

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Past Posts

Embracing Anger: Dispelling Misconceptions for Mental Well-Being

Embracing Anger: Dispelling Misconceptions for Mental Well-Being

In the realm of emotions, anger often carries a negative connotation. It's frequently viewed as a destructive force, a feeling that should be suppressed or avoided at all costs. However, within the context of psychotherapy, it's crucial to debunk these misconceptions...

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How Therapy Can Help People with High Sensitivity and High Empathy

How Therapy Can Help People with High Sensitivity and High Empathy

Do you or your child experience high sensitivity or high empathy? Sometimes people with these traits identify as “Highly Sensitive People, “Empaths” or “HSPs.” Here’s some common traits or experiences of people with high sensitivity and high empathy: -Highly...

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