

Category: Counseling


Past Posts

The Power of Repair: Strengthening Relationships Through Effective Conflict Resolution

The Power of Repair: Strengthening Relationships Through Effective Conflict Resolution

In the journey of any relationship, conflict is inevitable. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a family connection, disagreements and misunderstandings will happen. The key to maintaining a healthy and thriving relationship isn't avoiding conflict...

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Childhood Emotional Neglect Part 3: Healing Emotional Neglect to be a Better Parent, Partner, and Person

Childhood Emotional Neglect Part 3: Healing Emotional Neglect to be a Better Parent, Partner, and Person

**This blog is a continuation of my previous post "Childhood Emotional Neglect Part 2: 5 Ways in Which Childhood Emotional Neglect Still Hurts Us". If you haven’t read part two, double back and read it here before moving forward with this entry.  If my last two...

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Discrimination is Dangerous to Fat People’s Mental Health- Why and What Mental Health Professionals Can Do to Help

Discrimination is Dangerous to Fat People’s Mental Health- Why and What Mental Health Professionals Can Do to Help

The word “fat” isn’t supposed to be a dirty word, a joke, or a judgment. Instead, “fat” is a neutral word describing the type of body a person has, just like the descriptions of “thin,” “tall,” and “short.” “Fat” can be triggering for many people who have only been...

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