

We Can Help You Navigate The World of Parenting

Children are beautiful, unique, and special. Parenting them, however, is sometimes a challenge that may have you scratching your head while feeling stumped, frustrated, anxious, angry, exhausted, terrified, confused, bewildered . . . well, you can add in more.

There is no perfect way, but there are ways that work

Parenting can be a maze of trial and error, no matter how many books you’ve read or websites visited. Parenting is a dynamic process within a unique and special relationship. There are no perfect answers that solve every challenge because every challenge is different – to who we are, who our child is, the situation in which we relate to our child, and everything that impacts us from all around. However, there are tried and true ways to work towards resolving different challenges we face in parenting our kiddos.

Parenting skills are both natural and learned

Some parenting skills are natural; they may just innately appear. Others are learned from observation and experience. Often times, we mimic the skills we observed as children – that was our first exposure to what it meant to be parented, cared for, loved . . . and for some, ignored, discarded, unheard, and unloved. Other times, we learn skills from other figures in life like aunts and uncles, grandparents, bosses, neighbors, etc. We’ve also learned from people at church, teachers, classmates, and coworkers.

We Can Help

Austin Family Counseling has a number of extremely qualified and resourceful clinicians who can help you navigate the world of parenting. Several on our team are Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educators. These clinicians specifically teach non-punitive methods to inspire children to develop valuable social and life skills. They will help you experience being in your child’s shoes so that you can better understand your child first, and then equip you with new and positive tools to collaborate with your child. Check out this podcast to learn even more.

Although no two situations are the same, we’ve seen a lot and would love to work with you.

Austin Therapists Specializing in Parenting Support