Do you or your child experience high sensitivity or high empathy? Sometimes people with these traits identify as “Highly Sensitive People, “Empaths” or “HSPs.” Here’s some common traits or experiences of people with high sensitivity and high empathy: -Highly...
When we hear the word 'Teenager,' various preconceived notions and stereotypes may pop into our heads. It is not uncommon for teenagers to get a bad reputation, often associated with rebellion and moodiness. As a mom of a teenager, I must confess I also held some...
Understanding complex emotions and life events is difficult for anyone, but especially for children. When they don’t have the proper tools to express their inner turmoil and process their surroundings, this can often lead to frustrating interactions with parents and...
Many of us have witnessed children getting taken over by intense emotions resulting in losing their temper, reacting without thinking, or blowing up. In those moments it can be really difficult to stay grounded and regulated, while also trying to calm your child down....