

Category: Quality Time

Being Present With Your Adolescent Child

Being Present With Your Adolescent Child

Among parents and caregivers, numerous factors can pose barriers to making time to have meaningful conversations with our children during their rocky teenage years. Parents may need to work long hours or tackle everyday chores, consuming so much time and focus that it...

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Past Posts

4 Mindfulness Practices for Your Family

4 Mindfulness Practices for Your Family

Mindfulness may be a term you have never heard or hear all the time. Regardless of how familiar it may be, it is often hard to define. When I introduce mindfulness into therapeutic work, I use Jon Kabat-Zinn’s simple definition: Paying attention, on purpose, without...

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5 Signs Your Child May Be Addicted to Technology

5 Signs Your Child May Be Addicted to Technology

Should I be concerned about my child's screen time? This is a question I hear frequently. The COVID pandemic caused a significant increase in the amount of time our children spend online each day, and many parents have concerns about their child’s technology...

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