

Category: Mental Health

Walk and Talk Therapy: Is it Right for Me?

Walk and Talk Therapy: Is it Right for Me?

Walk and Talk Therapy is an approach to traditional talk therapy where the therapist and client take their session outdoors and walk together while discussing the client's issues. This type of therapy is becoming increasingly popular and provides similar benefits to...

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Past Posts

Losing A Pet

Losing A Pet

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” - Anatole France I’ve always been an animal lover from an early age. There was always something about animals that has continually drawn me in. I love looking into the eyes of an animal and...

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How To Stop Being Mean To Yourself

How To Stop Being Mean To Yourself

“I’m such a burden.” “I failed the test again. I’m never going to get any better at this.” “They cancelled plans - they must not like me.” “Everything I say sounds so unintelligent. I’m such an idiot.” Any of these statements sound familiar? These statements are...

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Adversity is a Great Teacher

Adversity is a Great Teacher

As I am sitting here writing this blog, it is hard to believe that we are already in 2021!  I am sure many people will agree with me that 2020 has been quite a challenging year to remember.  It was a year filled with sorrow, laughter, anger, hope,...

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