This year, I’m thankful for pain
I am thankful for the deepest sorrows
I am thankful for my losses, big and small
I am thankful for the hardest trials I’ve faced
I am thankful for the resentment of unrecognized labor
I am thankful for the frustration of being so constantly resilient
I am thankful for the anxieties, the depressions, the angers
I am thankful for the meltdowns, the tears, the shouts
I am thankful for each prickle of uncertainty
I am thankful for the aches in my heart
These pains remind me I am human
I am here
Because I can be thankful for the pain,
I know I can also feel the pleasure,
I am capable
Because I can feel enormous and insurmountable griefs,
I know I have felt intense loves
Because I have known the woes of being unacknowledged,
I know I am efficient
Because I have a perfect track record of conquering the pain,
I know I am determined
Because I have felt the meltdowns, the tears, the shouts,
I know I am brave
Because I have felt the discomfort of intuition,
I know I am careful
Because I have felt the vast expanse of all these emotions,
I know I am human,
I am here,
I am doing the best I can,
I am thankful