

Category: Social Media


Past Posts

Sleep Hygiene: How Blue Light Affects Sleep and Ways to Create Healthy Routine

Sleep Hygiene: How Blue Light Affects Sleep and Ways to Create Healthy Routine

It is no surprise to all of us that electronic devices play a fundamental role in our daily lives and even more so with the pandemic. We use electronics so much in our day-to-day including, but not limited to, communicating with friends and families, online gaming,...

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Tips from a Therapist: Ways to Adjust to Life in Quarantine

Tips from a Therapist: Ways to Adjust to Life in Quarantine

“We’re all just making this up as we go along”, a very dear friend told me recently regarding the quarantine. These resounding words have stuck with me not only in my personal life, but my professional life as well. All of my clients, regardless of their...

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