The word “fat” isn’t supposed to be a dirty word, a joke, or a judgment. Instead, “fat” is a neutral word describing the type of body a person has, just like the descriptions of “thin,” “tall,” and “short.” “Fat” can be triggering for many people who have only been...
Growing up, the word "sex" seemed taboo; my friends and I (should we ever talk about sex in any way) would just refer to it as either "the s-word" OR spell it out; somehow or another, that made it even scarier. I'm not entirely sure when I actually realized what sex...
How often do you worry about your looks? Your clothes? Your hair? Your body shape? Your weight? I could go on and on, as these are the factors women and men feel pressure about every day regarding their looks. Although some groups may experience this pressure more...
Welcome back to our discussion on the myths about domestic violence. We continue our focus on the myths about abusive men, specifically myths about what causes abusive men to be abusive. As before, information for the blog is taken from the book “Why Does He Do That:...