

Category: Trauma


Past Posts

Surviving Lymphoma and Gaslighting

Surviving Lymphoma and Gaslighting

A teacher is walking down the hall, as she turns the corner, she sees a child shove another student into a locker. When she approaches the child, she asks, “Why did you do that?” The child replies, “Do what? I didn’t do anything.” The teacher then says, “But I saw you...

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Six Truths About Trauma

Six Truths About Trauma

As a trauma therapist, I work extensively with children, teens, and adults who have experienced or witnessed an event that was scary, shocking, or dangerous. There are misconceptions about what and who is impacted by trauma. Below are six truths about trauma that you...

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Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault

It can be overwhelming to hear that someone you care for has been sexually assaulted or abused. This person needs your support and friendship now more than ever, and you want to be helpful – but what do you say? It’s important to first understand that every survivor...

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