The start of a new year often feels like a blank slate—a chance to reset, refocus, and work toward the person you want to be. It’s a symbolic time for change, brimming with potential. But let’s be real: turning that excitement into action can feel daunting. We set...
Practicing law is one of the most demanding and high-pressure professions, with demandingworkloads, high stakes, and unyielding pressure to perform. While these challenges can bedaunting, therapy offers lawyers a valuable opportunity to manage stress, improve their...
I was recently asked by a friend how they should word an email breaking up with their therapist. “Breaking up” with or “terminating” sessions can be a hard and vulnerable thing to do, so I’m here to help with some ideas if you find yourself in this position as a...
I’m going to be completely honest with you. I had planned to write this blog about laziness and rest very scientifically and it was going to sound like a gosh darn essay. Now however, the deadline has come, and I am left with a very interesting and ironic situation....