I’m going to be completely honest with you. I had planned to write this blog about laziness and rest very scientifically and it was going to sound like a gosh darn essay. Now however, the deadline has come, and I am left with a very interesting and ironic situation....
“I’m such a burden.” “I failed the test again. I’m never going to get any better at this.” “They cancelled plans - they must not like me.” “Everything I say sounds so unintelligent. I’m such an idiot.” Any of these statements sound familiar? These statements are...
With the upcoming STAR tests, AP exams, SATs, ACTs, and more— it’s no secret that school test-taking season is upon us. This time of year can be extremely stressful for the test taker (and the whole family!). Below, we’ll discuss some helpful tips for supporting your...
This time of year, is a brutal one for the perfectionist. I like to think of myself as a recovering perfectionist. The holidays are a time when expectations and “shoulds" are extra high, making it a stressful season for those of us that like need things “just so.”...