When we hear the word 'Teenager,' various preconceived notions and stereotypes may pop into our heads. It is not uncommon for teenagers to get a bad reputation, often associated with rebellion and moodiness. As a mom of a teenager, I must confess I also held some...
by Maria Vanillo, M.S. My father has been a first responder for over 30 years. His profession has come with numerous sacrifices both he and our family have made. From sleepless nights to difficulties with facing everyday stressors, we all struggled. I learned how...
“I’m such a burden.” “I failed the test again. I’m never going to get any better at this.” “They cancelled plans - they must not like me.” “Everything I say sounds so unintelligent. I’m such an idiot.” Any of these statements sound familiar? These statements are...
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – Proverb One of my first jobs was as a waitress at a local seafood grill. There I learned the nuances of customer service and to not...